
Streamlining the account opening journey for international customers

  • Research & strategy

  • Customer journeys

  • Site structure

  • Design & iterate

  • Triage tool


HSBC International is a stand-alone website for HSBC’s international customers. It promotes cross-border services and highlights the benefits of holding HSBC accounts in multiple regions. It often competes with local maket websites, as it's unclear whether a customer should apply for an overseas account via their local HSBC site, the destination country's site, or HSBC International.


Revamp the International website and integrate multiple overseas account opening journeys into a single tool.

Purpose & strategy

First, I performed a UX and content audit of the existing website and looked at competitor banks to find gaps and areas of improvement.

Then, I conducted several interviews and workshops with the International team to gain a better understanding of the International proposition.

The biggest challenge was to differentiate the role between the International website (ISW) versus the local market websites.

Customers journeys

The key was determining whether a customer was oubound (leaving a market) or inbound (entering a market).

Outbound customers would be signposted to ISW to learn more about HSBC’s international services. The main objective was to get them to open an account prior to arriving to their new destination.

Inbound customers would be funneled to their destination market’s local website, so they can easily settle into their new home with help from HSBC.

Site structure

The customer journeys helped us agree the scope for the revamped website. I created a sitemap to show where the new pages would sit, making sure to consider:

  • SEO impact on page hierarchy and URL structure

  • technical constraints, since the website would be built with AEM, and

  • cross-border regulations, as certain products and services could not be promoted on ISW

We ran a qualitative user test to validate the new site structure and website navigation.

Design & iterate

Once the structure were tested and approved, I collaborated with the International copywriter and stakeholders to design wireframes for each page. I worked with a Technical Producer to build and QA the new site.

Since we worked in an agile environment, the site was rolled out in phases. The initial launch was about rebranding and streamlining the services. The subsequent phases focused on design improvements based on site performance, as well as integrating the new International account opening triage tool.

Triage tool

In the past, outbound customers had to arrange a call back or visit their destination market’s local website to open an account. This ofted led to long lead times and a frustrating user experience.

The International triage tool consolidates multiple outbound account opening journeys into a single tool. This included 10 markets for the MVP.

The tool needed to accommodate each’s market unique eligibility requirements, account opening process and legal restrictions. I made sure to consult the International stakeholders every step of the way to ensure the journey was efficient, simple and scalable.


HSBC Global Websites


HSBC Mortgages